The part of you that knows:
I want to take a moment to lovingly honour and acknowledge the part of you that 'knows'. This part of you that has known since forever. It has no rhyme or reason. It isn't rational. It can't be explained. It can't be convinced. It has always been and will always be. I know that as a child you knew things. You felt things before they happened. You got glimpses. Whispers. Over time you forgot, or you gave up those knowings because it was so uncomfortable. Knowing made you feel responsible. It often bought with it rejection. And then as you got older, you remembered. All. the. times. Something hadn't 'felt' quite right. An inner voice. A feeling. An unknown sensation that had 'warned' you. A premonition. A vague whisper And then as you gently began to honour your truth. Your knowing. Something lands. It's big, and its powerful. It feels like you returning home. ***There's nothing left but you and your knowing. *** I'm here to greet you in that 'knowing'. I know how it feels to know things before you are 'meant' to know them. I know how uncomfortable it is to voice a truth that no one wants to hear and for it be rejected. I know the pain and I know the loneliness. I also know the strength and the ferociousness it creates. I stand with all of you who know things, even though you don't know how. With love Gilly
There is a part of each of us that longs to assign blame to another. We look outwards to our partner, our family, our world and we see “wrong” in the other. We blame our leaders, our governments, the rich, the “powerful”, and yet the true nature of this world is that we live in a hologram. As uncomfortable and disconcerting as this may be, it isn’t until we gather all information, enotions, feelings, that we project and gently harness it together to be tenderly held and witnessed that we are able to alchemise our projections. And because we are so very human and we believe that we are all disconnected we see the “other” as wrong and us as right. What if we could take a moment to stop looking outside and very gently ask ourselves where we are that which we judge. Where are we divisive? Where are we at war? Where are we not in our truth. This is deeply uncomfortable work as it is far easier to blame, be a victim and forget the true nature of our multidimensional self. The truth is if it is within our experience it is here for us to integrate and is serving our evolution individually and collectively on some level - even when it very much doesn’t feel like it is. I’m holding love to us all as we allow ourselves to witness ourselves more fully through the most gentle loving and kind eyes.
The difficulty with being a multidimensional soul in a human form is that we get to hold two contrasting realities.
Whilst we may “know” things “feel” things, we also have to live in a world that is governed by certain laws. We have to do things that we may not want to do to exist in a human body. Maybe we have to earn money in a way that isn’t totally aligned. Our multidimensional soul self often rebels against this as a feeling of having freedoms taken away, for as a soul we are so free. However, what if we were to “lean in” more fully to the experience of being HUMAN - rather then resisting against this experience. What if we could become a little more curious about what our life’s experiences are teaching us on a soul level. What are we learning from feeling these limitations, these conditions? How does this trigger an emotion within us. Do we grieve for our true home where we are completely free? Do we feel a sense of fear at not being able to have complete freedom. Do we feel anger at this experience? I’m here with you in both polarities holding this as a soul having a human experience and a human having a very human experience. Running from “what is”, denying or avoiding isn’t our path to freedom. Freedom comes from embracing what is here. Now. In. This. Let’s take a collective breath and know that we are safe, here now in this. We are exactly where we need to be and this collective clusterfk is serving us on so many levels. One of our deepest fears is being rejected. Firstly from our parents and those who provide for us, then from our friends, and also from society.
So many people have rejected themselves time and time again in order to be “acceptable”, “fit in”, “comply”. Our current world events speak to a deep fear within the psyche of humanity that fears being rejected, abandoned and left out. Simply put the way to get a collective to comply is to turn the organism against itself - by doing so creating a feeling of “us and them”. The truth is that if every single being on the planet came in to their own truth for just 1 second and operated from that place (whatever that might be) there would be an automatic end to division. It is only when we reject parts of ourself that we can feel rejected by a society that is for the most part so unconscious of its inner truth that it will take whatever truth is taken up by the masses in order to fit in |
AuthorGilly Godward Archives
June 2024
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