The Seven Sacred Secrets
The Seven Sacred Secrets
- Compassionate Witnessing and honouring of your sacred journey - holding a deeply sacred space for your own truth to arise in a space of complete acceptance and love.
- Divination and Reclamation of your unique Soul Gifts - receiving the parts of yourself that have been rejected, abandoned and lost within the judgements of others and drawing them back in to your heart and energy field.
- Releasing old generational wounds and programmes - lovingly becoming conscious of generational patterns that have been unconsciously carried forward.
- Embracing your inner Goddess Queen - gently allowing yourself to navigate the terrain of self-honouring and your own boundaries.
- Returning to your own inner well of self compassion - Embodying your own inner wise goddess, and returning your inner child to a place of softness, warmth, love and compassion.
- Reclining in to receiving - Allowing any blocks to receiving to be gently witnessed, loved and released.
- Deepening and softening in to what a truly sacred life is for you - Allowance of the authentic you to step forward and to finally give voice to the longings of your soul.